About Me

Posted on Sep 3, 2023

Hi there 👋

I am Vighnesh Shenoy, and I am a software developer from India.

desk selfie

I graduated with a double major in Computer Science & Mathematics from BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus in July, 2021. And I am currently working as a software engineer at Microsoft.

Unsolicited trivia about me -

I like reading technical blogs, discovering new & interesting open-source projects, occassionally listening to podcasts and quizzing. In that vein, this website is an attempt to write about things I find interesting (not necessarily technical).

I was an avid reader before college, but lost the habit and currently trying to pick it back up. Additionally, I am a big fan of reading manga and watching anime. My favorite manga of all time is One Piece. Feel free to give me book & manga recommendations.

I also like watching tv shows and my favorite tv shows of all time are The Wire, and The Sopranos.

I am a bit unhealthilty obsessed with chess, although I am not all that good at it. Feel free to send me a challenge. I also like to keep up with a variety of sports (albeit very casually) such as football, F1, cricket, tennis, and am a nerd for stats.

I am obsessed with cats and live with an adorable domestic short-hair named Neo (Instagram - @the.catrix_).

Feel free to reach out to me if you have something interesting to talk about. My contact information is linked below.

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